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Take Command!: Saab 340A

Take Command!: Saab 340A[SF340 1.6.5]

Bought this awesome aircraft today to complement my X-Plane fleet. I was not disappointed as I have

Date Added : Sunday 25 May, 2014
5 of 5 Stars!
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Take Command!: Saab 340A

Take Command!: Saab 340A[SF340 1.6.5]

Just brilliant! Reliable software, beautiful 3D modelling, systems and flight model! Also it makes y

Reviewed By : Archie Blair
Date Added : Sunday 20 April, 2014
5 of 5 Stars!
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Take Command!: Saab 340A

Take Command!: Saab 340A[SF340 1.6.5]

Outstanding aircraft I love flying it. I hope to see more planes from this company.

Reviewed By : Richard Macintosh
Date Added : Monday 14 April, 2014
5 of 5 Stars!
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Take Command!: Saab 340A

Take Command!: Saab 340A[SF340 1.6.5]

Having bought this superb add-on aircraft about 10 days ago, and had time to read the excellent manu

Reviewed By : Simon Charman
Date Added : Monday 07 October, 2013
5 of 5 Stars!
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Take Command!: Saab 340A

Take Command!: Saab 340A[SF340 1.6.5]

The excellent experience the Saab provides already begins with the installation process. The install

Reviewed By : Peter Achs
Date Added : Monday 30 September, 2013
5 of 5 Stars!
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Take Command!: Saab 340A

Take Command!: Saab 340A[SF340 1.6.5]

ADMIN NOTE: The below review is accurate in context, however, none of what this customer complains a

Reviewed By : James Stoltenberg
Date Added : Sunday 29 September, 2013
3 of 5 Stars!
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