Florida, also known as the Peninsula State, consists of a large low-lying peninsula running north-south. The northern part of the state, running east-west is a strip of land known as the panhandle. The panhandle is a region of low, rolling hills, large swamps and marshes, numerous lakes, and forests. Florida contains a diverse pattern of physical features including farmlands, urban areas, transportation routes, and other cultural features that have transformed Florida from largely a historic wilderness area into one of the fastest-growing and most populated states.
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Major Airports Included
•Miami International (KMIA)
•Orlando International (KMCO)
•Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International (KFLL)
•Tampa International (KTPA)
•Jacksonville International (KJAX)
•Southwest Florida International (KRSW)
•Daytona Beach International (KDAB)
•Gainesville Regional (KGNV)
•Key West International (KEYW)
•Sarasota-Bradenton International (KSRQ)
•Tallahassee Regional (KTLH)
•Palm Beach International (KPBI)