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Replaces over 300MB of default X-Plane sounds with higher quality 44kHz stereo samples from real recordings of aircraft and weather and an ambient sound engine with outdoor sounds.

  • Model : SNDMX 1.0
  • Developed by : Maxx-XP Team
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SoundMaxx - Immerse yourself in better sound!

Maxx-XP, in co-operation with Sundog Software, and X-Aviation are excited to bring you an amazing new product that makes X-Plane even more realistic with awesome sound upgrades!

Developer: Maxx-XP
Download Size: 600MB

  • Click here to download the manual!

How SoundMaxx Works
SoundMaxx is a plugin which will replace default X-Plane sounds with higher quality sounds (44kHz) for a more immersive simming experience. The sounds are recordings from the real world. In addition, SoundMaxx will add an ambient sound engine to X-Plane allowing new outdoor and in-cabin sounds. It will not interfere with third party engine sounds from other add-ons you purchase. The list of default replaced sounds includes: Thunder - wind - rain - hail - hail impacts - crashes - explosions - landing gear - gear rolling - gear skids - afterburners - jet, prop, and turboprop starters - reverse thrust - APU - switches - flaps.

Highlighted Features
  • Over 300MB of upgraded 44kHz stereo samples from real recordings of aircraft and weather, replacing X-Plane's default synthesized sound effects
  • Ambient sound engine with over 300MB of outdoor ambient sounds, airfield sound effects, and in-cabin sounds
  • Won't interfere with sound engines from third-party aircraft
  • Replaces default engine sounds for high and low bypass jets, reciprocating engines, props, turboprops, gryo's, helo's, and liftfans. (SoundMaxx will NOT override custom sounds that come with third party aircraft - only default aircraft and third party aircraft that don't include their own sounds.) Again, these are real recordings at 44 Khz stereo.   • Separate jet engine sounds for inside vs. outside the cockpit
  • Longer, more varied loops for added realism
  • Ambient sound engine for low-altitude external viewpoints. Season, time, and location aware. Includes: Large airport - small airport - beach at day - beach at night - countryside during winter / summer / day / night - lakes - open ocean
  • Rattles from turbulence
  • In-cabin sounds for jetliners
  • Replaces engine sounds with real recordings for the default Cessna 172SP, B747, Bell 206, and Robinson R22 Beta
  • Integrates with the upcoming SkyMaxx Pro 3 for positional 3D thunder sound effects
  • Configuration panel to allow toggling of effects and adjustment of volume
  • Automatically backs up and restores built-in default X-Plane sounds with the click of a button

Why should you get it?
Sounds are a very important piece to the flight simulation puzzle. The more realistic sounds you have, the more immersive your experience will feel. This is what SoundMaxx is all about!

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